Protected areas

The Zigadi-Beroate Oak Grove
The ZigaDi-Beroate oak grove, in Betelu, is unique and covers an area of 41.3 hectares lining both sides of the ravine cut by the river Araxes. It is a Cantabrian oak grove which has grown up over time thanks to the effect of the microclimate which prevails there; this is due to the speed of the wind, which is warmed and compressed (the Venturi effect), on entering the ravine.

The Orgi Oak Grove
Property of Lizaso Village Council, this temperate oak forest is made up mainly of the common oak (Quercus robur) which coexists with a rich undergrowth of different grasses, ferns, heather, juniper, brambles, holly, hawthorn, broom, etc., as well as a wide variety of fauna and bird life. It covers an area of around 80 hectares and due to its great biodiversity it has been declared a Natural Recreational Area. It is divided into three main areas, two of them are open to the public, but access to the third, Muñagorri (38 hectares), is restricted in order to allow the forest to regenerate.

In recent years the natural environment in Aralar has come under official protection: 14,026 hectares of the southern slopes of the mountain range are included in the “Areas of Community Importance (LIC)” proposal put forward by Navarre. These areas make up the “Red Natura 2000” network, which is responsible for the territorial development of natural spaces throughout the EU.

The 83-hectare nature reserve, Reserva Natural de Putterri, is situated on the south face of the Putterri mountain. The woodland areas made up of hazel, lime, maple, and above all the young and age-old yews, are the object of conservation. Putterri (1,299m), is magical and well worth a visit.


La ley estatal básica en materia de espacios protegidos, la Ley 4/89, de 27 de marzo, de conservación de la naturaleza y de la flora y fauna silvestre, define la figura de Monumento Natural como "espacios o elementos de la naturaleza constituidos básicamente por formaciones de notoria singularidad, rareza o belleza, que merecen ser objeto de una protección especial. Se considerarán monumentos naturales las formaciones geológicas, los yacimientos paleontológicos y demás elementos de la geografia que reúnan un interés especial por la singularidad o importancia de sus valores científicos, culturales o paisajísticos".

The Basaburua Oaks
The oak trees which have been declared Natural Monuments are in Jauntsaras, which is located on the NA-411 in the Basaburua Valley. Access to these trees is not signposted however, and it recommended that visitors ask about their exact location on arrival in the area.

The Leitzalarrea – Izaieta Firs
This is common land located to the north of the village and has been laid out for recreational use. There is another interesting area, el abetal de Izaieta, 10 km from Leitza, which has been converted into botanical gardens. In addition to the impressive silver firs, there are also examples of the 37 species of trees that are native to the mountains around Leitza. Explanatory plaques identify each species.