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Cheese and Curds Bikain

Valle de Larraun

Izaskun & Idoia Olaskoaga
Casa Ongi-Etorri Etxarri 31878
948504117 / 608875729

Castellano Euskera

"A flock of more than 1,000 “latxa” sheep forms the centre of this family business. They have been producing milk for longer than anyone can remember, and in the 70s the family decided to market its traditional homemade “cuajada” (junket) commerically. The success of the venture led to the addition of a second traditional product in the area, Idiazabal cheese made from sheep’s milk, which is branded with a Designation of Origin. The products made and sold on the premises are cheeses, junket, “gaztazarra"" (mature cream cheese) and “requesón” (curd cheese). The company also sells its products at farmers' markets."


Monday to Saturday: 09.00 to 15.00.

Designation of Origin Idiazabal cheeses, “cuajada” (junket), “gaztazarra” (mature cream cheese) and “requesón” (curd cheese).

Easy access for the disabled to the dairy and shop.
