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Ayestarán I y II Hotels


Where to eat | Hotel | Where to eat | Restaurant

Mª Jesús Ayestarán
Aralar, 22-27. Lekunberri 31870
948 50 41 27
948 50 41 27
Castellano | Euskera | French | Inglés
Ayestaran I-UHS0013 Ayestaran II-UHSR0014

91,22€ / 74,84€ consultar con establecimiento.

Family-run hotel designed at the beginning of the last century by the Navarrese architect, Victor Eusa; and is now a listed building. The hotel has 60 rooms sleeping 136. It maintains the elegance of the good early 20th-century hotels and is still in its original state. Small bar, lounge with fireplace, garden, tennis court, swimming pool.

In the centre of the village.

Nº de Plazas: 140 + 37.
Nº de Habitaciones: 60 + 17.

Carta: 38,00€
Menu: 13,00€ + IVA
Breakfast included.
Restaurant (Nº of diner guest): 300-50
holidays: From 20/12 to 20/01.

Public telephone.

Establishment distinguished with the tourist quality commitment